I spent a bit of time this afternoon working on my wife's Rover and my Vee, mostly oil changes and a few little bits and bobs. The Rover is complicated, requiring the removal of two skid plates, and it is still a mess. I need to install a Fumoto valve to make it a cleaner process.
When I went to change the oil on the Vee, I stripped out the drain plug. Damn! I pulled the plug back out and took it to the local O'Reilly store.
Looking at the plug, the guy helping me noticed that it was a single oversize plug, so the previous owner had stripped it out once before, replacing it with a M14x1.5 SO plug. The standard plug is a M14x1.25 for the DL1000, and M12x1.25 for the DL650.
The new M14x1.5 DO plug should be here tomorrow and I'll be back on the road again in time for Monday's commute. This was a $4.29 mistake, but it could have been worse. This is a reminder to always use the minimum torque that the repair manual calls for, don't over do it.
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